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Perseverance is the KEY

Rutinitas menjadi bagian dari hidup kita sehari-hari. Dunia pun punya rutinitasnya sendiri. Setiap hari dimulai dan diakhiri dengan cara yang sama, membuka mata dan menutup mata; terbangun dan tertidur lagi; makan pagi dan makan malam; matahari terbit dan matahari terbenam. Pekerjaan pun demikian, terus berputar, pekerjaan terselesaikan dan datang lagi yang baru; karya pertama dan karya yang selanjutnya; promosi awal dan promosi yang berikutnya. Hidup berjalan dan di manakah kita saat ini?

Dalam setiap perjalanan, terlebih lagi dalam perjalanan yang jauh, kita perlu untuk memastikan keberadaan kita di titik tertentu:

Apakah kita masih mengarah pada tujuan?

Apakah kita masih punya semangat yang sama dengan waktu kita mengawalinya?

Apakah kita masih antusias atau hanya mengikuti arus?

Kita perlu memastikan keberadaan kita, dan kondisi hati kita. Jangan biarkan rutinitas menjebak kita dan membuat kita melakukan pekerjaan dengan tanpa arti. Kita membutuhkan ketekunan hati untuk menghadapi hal ini. Ketekunan (perseverence) bukan sekedar bertahan, tetapi gigih melakukan sesuatu dengan usaha yang maksimal, sehingga kita dapat membuat perubahan yang lebih baik hari demi hari. Terjebak dalam rutinitas dapat membuat potensi yang kita miliki sulit berkembang karena rutinitas mengundang zona nyaman.

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that?

We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.

We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.

Marie Curie

Move out of your comfort zone.

You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward

and uncomfortable when you try something new.

Brian Tracy


Routines have become a part of our lives. Even the world has its own routine: a day starts and ends in the same way; we open and then close our eyes; wake up and sleep again; breakfast and dinner again; the sun rises and sets again. The same thing happens to our job, one task ends and comes another; there is a first accomplishment and comes the other; first promotion and next promotion. Life goes on and where are we right now?

In every journey, especially in a long journey, we need to make sure of our whereabouts at a certain place:

Are we still going to the right direction?

Do we still have the high spirit to do something like we do it for the first time?

Do we still feel the enthusiasim or do we simply go with the flow?

We need to make sure of our condition; the state of our heart. Don’t let routines trap us and let us lose our passion. We need perseverance to overcome this. Perseverance is not simply surviving, but to keep doing what’s in our hands with maximum effort, so we can make a better change, day by day. Being trapped in routines endangers the potentials within us, because routines could create a space for comfort zone.

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that?

We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.

We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.

Marie Curie

Move out of your comfort zone.

You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward

and uncomfortable when you try something new.

Brian Tracy

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